Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Princesses and the Pea

Lately I've been really wanting to take different types of pics for a "SERIES" and since I have girls and know lots of little girls I thought it would be fun to do a "Princess Series." My mom has all these AMAZING quilts and so I jumped at the opportunity to try a Princess and the Pea shot of my little princesses. Baylee really got into it and yawned for me...I was just bummed that I don't have a studio big enough to get shots likes this whenever I want...there are so many things I would try.


Anonymous said...

Two of the cutest princesses ever!! Born from another beautiful princess!! Love you. Mom

Denisse said...

You are so talented! and those girls are just ADORABLE!:)

Melissa said...

I absolutely love this! So dang cute! You are so creative and fun.