Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Silly girls...

I am thankful to be able to say that my kids still nap from 2:30 to 5:30 everyday, however, lately Baylee sometimes does not sleep while she is in her room for naps, and this is what I found a couple weeks ago when I went in to let her know she could get up. (Note: this happened on a Friday and was not totally gone by church on Sunday) And another day while I was busy cleaning and the kids were eating at the table, I finally started cleaning the kids up and this is how I found Laney... so tired!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Whoa!! That's a mischevious one for sure.. Poor little Laneylou!

susan said...

brianne i can not stop smilin' way surprise 4 u

Jayme said...

okay now that's freakin hilarious!!!

Melissa said...

Hilarious! Spencer has drawn on himself with markers, but not quite that much. I love it! I hope it was washable markers. So cute of Laney in her chair too.

bec said...

woah. that's a lot of coloring. It's like she was trying a new technique for a super dark tan.

Anonymous said...

love her panties and love what they cover more, love to pull them down and see it