Monday, June 16, 2008

75 degrees and climbing...

Today was such a nice day that we went to "lunch in the park". The city receives grants to give out free lunch int he parks. Only the kids get free lunch, but you are welcome to buy an adult lunch. The kids love it because they get a tray full of cool foods that aren't normal lunch candidates. And I love it because I don't have to make lunch. So we had lunch and then stayed to play at the water park. After about an hour the kids were bored with the water park so we headed home...then to my surprise the kids decided they wanted to play at the Webb's and swim in the blow up pool. So we did. And boy did we take advantage of our official first warm day in Rexburg. We were outside from 11am to 4pm and we are beat and beet, if you know what I mean.

1 comment:

The Woods said...

Brianne, wow you are quite the blogger! I gotta hand it to you mom's. Sounds like a fun day in the sun! My kids had an equally fun day (minus the free lunch) in I.F. playing in swimming pools at our house and around the neighborhood. Happy to have found your blog! Keep in touch! -Brian and the Wood girls. (woodbunch.blogspot)